adalbert bezzenberger造句


  1. Its opening exhibition in 1913 was organized by Adalbert Bezzenberger and dedicated to the Kingdom of Prussia's liberation in 1813 during the War of the Sixth Coalition.
  2. Defner was an editor for the " Archiv f黵 mittel-und neugriechische philologie ", a German-language journal on mediaeval and modern Greek studies; the " Beitr鋑e zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen ", an Indo-European studies journal founded by Balticist Adalbert Bezzenberger; and the German-Greek newspaper " ??? ????? " ( " Nea Ellas ", " Greece News " ).
  3. It's difficult to find adalbert bezzenberger in a sentence. 用adalbert bezzenberger造句挺难的


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